Saturday marked another parkrun adventure for Ewan and me, a return to a local gem I hadn’t set foot in since 2019: Bedworth parkrun in Miners’ Welfare Park.

Watch the video of Bedworth parkrun on our YouTube Channel

With SATs looming for Iona in the week ahead, she wisely opted for a laid-back day. But for Ewan and me, the prospect of a parkrun followed by some mountain biking thrills at the new trails in Miners’ Welfare Park was too enticing to resist, pulling us out of bed and onto our bikes.

A blissful summery, traffic-free pedal along Coventry Canal, delivered us to Bedworth where fellow parkrunners were already gathering upon our arrival. Being local meant encountering familiar faces at the start line, including Kelvin, Joy, Dave, and, of course, the RD, Alison, who had us all learning how to sign “parkrun” during the briefing in honour of Deaf Awareness Week.

3, 2, 1, Go! Three laps awaited us within the park’s confines: one short and two longer loops, with the daunting Miners Hill thrown in for good measure. Ewan opted for a leisurely stroll to conserve his energy for later, while I attempted to muster some speed despite my protesting legs. Yet, even without Iona by my side, I couldn’t resist indulging my inner child, spreading my arms like wings as I careened down the slopes!

Ewan’s first question post-finish line: “Where’s breakfast?” Following Alison’s recommendation, we made our way to the Cricket Pavilion, where bacon and sausage batches awaited us for the bargain price of £2.50.

Recharged and refuelled, it was time to hit the trails. The variety on offer in such a compact space was impressive, ranging from easy routes to technical challenges. We spent an adrenaline filled couple of hours tearing through them, punctuating our adventure with a brief coffee and cake pit stop at the Mayor’s Cafe.

As legs began to weary, we retraced our route along the canal, taking in the sights of ducklings, cygnets, and fellow water enthusiasts in canal boats, canoes, and even a rubber dinghy. Reaching the city centre we concluded our journey with a final stretch of road riding home.

The entire adventure powered solely by pedal and the exhilarating bike trails at Bedworth come highly recommended, as do both cafes. Here’s to many more adventures on the horizon. Join us next time!